Rules also available as a Google Doc

Western New York Nerf Club (WNYNC)

Last Updated: 2024-03-21


  1. Don’t be a jerk. This is much less of a rule and more of just being a decent person. If you are being a jerk or all around unpleasant person to play with you will be asked to leave. We are all here to have fun, so try not to ruin it.
  2. Seriously, treat everyone with respect. Any sort of hate against others, towards an individual or a group of people, will not be tolerated. This includes racism, sexism, and anti-LGBTQ+ words or actions.
  3. Moderator’s decisions are final. Please respect them as they are trying to keep the games running smoothly as well as keep everyone safe.
  4. Players under the age of 13 must have a parent/guardian present at all times.
  5. Eye protection is REQUIRED. No ifs, ands, or buts. Bring your own, though we may have some available.
  6. Do not touch or use other people’s gear without proper permission.
  7. If a game halt is called, stop playing immediately. Usually it will be for non-players in the vicinity or an injury that needs to be tended to.
  8. Play fair. Nerf is all about having fun and cheating does not promote that. Call your own hits, take your hits if someone calls it on you, play by the rules of the game.
  9. A hit is any projectile (dart/ball/rocket/missile/sock bomb/etc.) that hits a player’s body or gear that they are carrying (including blaster).
    1. There are two exceptions, melee and shields.
  10. Projectiles must be launched from a blaster or appropriate device. Sock bombs are excluded and may be thrown by hand.
  11. A projectile only counts against the first player/object they hit, ricochets do not count as a good hit.
  12. All blasters must be appropriately colored for use in a public space. They must have a blaze orange tip as well as be mostly brightly colored.
  13. Blaster FPS cap is 160fps. Chronograph your blaster if it has been modded/built for higher performance.
  14. Some games may have a higher FPS cap. When these games are played the moderator will announce it and make it clear what the FPS cap is.
  15. Melee
    1. Melee weapons are allowed with moderator approval.
    2. Melee weapons must be soft and have no exposed hard areas, especially at their tip.
    3. Melee weapons block all projectiles. Use the Force!
  16. Shields
    1. Shields are allowed with moderator approval.
    2. Shields block all regular darts and balls.
    3. Shields must be smaller than nine square feet in overall area.
    4. Shields are “broken” by mega darts, rockets/missiles, and sock bombs. A broken shield must be laid on the group or held away from the body. Shields are restored when the player respawns.
    5. Shield users are limited to using a melee weapon or a pistol.
  17. Pistols are classified by being non-magazine fed and under a 12 dart capacity.
  18. Hard tipped darts are not allowed.
  19. Nerf Hyper rounds are not allowed at outdoor events.
  20. Keep the play area clean. Do not leave tons of extra gear out on the field.
  21. After a few rounds and at the end of each war, a dart sweep will happen. This will be done before packing up personal gear.

Other Info

  1. The club has a bin of darts. Feel free to use them but please return all borrowed darts by the time you leave.
  2. The club has a selection of loaner blasters. Again, feel free to use them, but ask before taking them and return them before you leave.
  3. If you would like to donate to help fund the club, talk to Chris. Any donated funds will be put back into club supplies such as darts/balls, shelter rental, cookouts, etc.
  4. Rules may be added/altered as needed so please check them regularly.
  5. If you have any questions, comments, or recommendations talk to any of the admins. It takes the whole group to make this club great and we want to make it as fun as possible. The field we currently play on tends to be wet very often. Please park on the road and not the grass when needed.


  1. Bring a handful of blasters. A primary, a back-up primary (just in case), and a pistol (for pistol rounds) are great to have! Pistols are classified by being non mag fed, and under a 12-dart capacity.
  2. Bring food and water for yourself.
  3. Bring folding tables and/or chairs as we may not always have a shelter.

Respawn Mechanics

  • Respawning
    • When a player goes to respawn they move the designated respawn zone
    • If there is a respawn timer, that player counts out loud the stated number of second (as given by the game moderator)
    • Once the player has counted their respawn timer they must announce they are active in the game again
    • Once the player has made the announcement they may continue playing in the game
  • Number of Lives
    • Each player has a certain number of lives and when they are depleted that player is out of the game
  • Unlimited Number of Lives
    • A player can respawn an infinite amount of times


Capture the Flag

  • Setup
    • Players are split into two teams
    • Each team has a flag at their end of the field
  • Objective
    • Capture the opponent’s flag
  • Rules
    • While a player holds a flag if that player is tagged they must drop the flag where they are
    • Players may move their teams flag back to its starting position
  • Win Condition
    • The first team to retrieve their opponents flag and bring it to their flag’s starting position wins

Team Deathmatch

  • Setup
    • Players are split into two teams
  • Objective
    • Eliminate the other team
  • Rules
    • When a player is tagged they lose a life and go to their team’s respawn
    • When a player is out of lives they are eliminated from the game
  • Win Condition
    • The first team to eliminate the entire other team wins

Team Ballmatch

  • Setup
    • Players are split into two teams
    • Each team will be given a bucket with balls and rubber chickens inside it
  • Objective
    • Eliminate the other team
  • Rules
    • When a player is tagged and goes to respawn, they remove a ball from the bucket, if there aren’t any balls left they remove a chicken
  • Win Condition
    • When there are no more balls or chickens in a team’s bucket they lose the game
      • To signal the game is over the losing team much squawk the a rubber chicken


  • Setup
    • Players are split into two teams
  • Objective
    • Eliminate the other team
  • Rules
    • When a player is tagged they must stop moving and raise their hands in the air and is frozen
    • A frozen player may be unfrozen if a teammate tags them with their hands
    • A frozen player may be eliminated from the game if an opponent tags them with their hands
  • Win Condition
    • The first team to eliminate the entire other team wins

Chicken Ball

  • Setup
    • Players are split into two teams
    • A pile of ball-pit balls and rubber chickens is placed in the centre of the field
    • Each team has a bucket at their end of the field opposite of their spawn site
  • Objective
    • Capture balls and chickens by transporting them to each team’s bucket
  • Rules
    • The game runs for a certain duration, at the end of that duration the game is over
    • Players may carry only one ball or chicken at a time
    • Players carrying a ball or chicken may not run or attempt to tag an opponent
    • When tagged players must drop any ball or chicken they are carrying
    • Balls and chickens may be removed from a teams bucket during the game
    • Balls are worth one point while chickens are worth more (generally three or five points)
    • Balls and chickens must be in the bucket before the end of the round to be scored
  • Win Condition
    • At the end of the game, whichever team has scored more points wins

King of the Hill

  • Setup
    • Players are split into two teams
    • A single flag holder will be at the centre of the field, creating what is called the “hill”
    • Each team will have a flag near the “hill”
  • Objective
    • Remove your opponent’s flag from the “hill”
    • Place your team’s flag on the “hill”
  • Rules
    • The game runs for a certain duration, at the end of that duration the game is over
    • When a player is tagged they go to their team’s respawn
    • Players may remove their opponent’s flag from the “hill”
    • Players may place their team’s flag on the “hill”
    • Flags must stay near the “hill”
  • Win Condition
    • At the end of the game, whichever teams flag is on the “hill” wins


  • Setup
    • A few players are chosen to be zombies
    • The rest of the players are human
  • Objective
    • As a human: Survive until the end of the game
    • As a zombie: Infect all of the humans before the end of the game
  • Rules
    • If a zombie tags a human with their hand, that human is infected and they join the zombie team
    • If a zombie is tagged by a human, that zombie is stunned for a certain duration (usually ten seconds)
    • A stunned zombie must stand in place and count out-loud their stun timer
    • While a zombie is stunned they are out of play, meaning they cannot be tagged again
    • At the end of counting the zombie is back in play
  • Win Condition
    • Zombies: Infect all of the humans before the game timer runs out
    • Humans: Survive as a human until the game timer runs out

Hunger Games

  • Setup
    • Each player starts the game without blasters/melee weapons/throwables
    • Players may start with darts
    • A pile of blasters/throwables are placed in a pile
    • Players start an equal distance away from the pile
  • Objective
    • Eliminate other players
  • Rules
    • When a player is tagged they are out for the rest of the game
    • Players can only hold one blaster/throwable at a time
    • When a players shoots a blaster or throws a throwable and does not tag another player with that shot, they must place that blaster on the ground
    • Players cannot pick up the blaster/throwable that they took their last shot with/threw
  • Win Condition
    • Eliminate all other players


Blaster Swap

  • Setup
    • Each play chooses one blaster to bring into the game
    • No other blasters beside the chosen blasters may be used
  • Objective
    • Eliminate other players
  • Rules
    • When a player makes a tag, they must move to the tagged player and swap blasters with that player
    • A tagged player may not try to run away from the player that has already tagged them
    • After making a tag, but before swapping blasters with the tagged player, the tagging player may not use their blaster
    • After swapping blasters, the tagged player must go respawn before continuing to play
  • Win Condition
    • Eliminate all other players

Hold the Line

  • Setup
    • A few players are selected to play as the defending team, the rest play as attackers
    • The field is setup in such a way so the defending team has most of the cover
  • Objective
    • Attacking Team: Eliminate the defending team
    • Defending Team: Survive as long as possible
  • Rules
    • The attacking team has unlimited lives
    • The defending team has very limited lives, usually one or two
    • Each round the defenders will be timed on how long they survive
    • After each round a new set of defenders will be chosen
    • Once each player has played a round as a defender the times will be compared
  • Win Condition
    • The team of defenders who survive the longest win the game

Rocket Squires

  • Setup
    • Each team selects one player to be their Knight, the rest of the team are Squires
    • Each team’s Knight is given a missile launch (Titan, Thunderblast, etc.)
    • Missiles are spread across the playing field
    • A target for each team is set up (Cones on the ground, dart catcher, tree, etc.)
  • Objective
    • Escort their team’s Knight and have them hit a target with their missile launcher
  • Rules
    • Knights start with their missile launcher but no missiles
    • Knights can only use their missile launcher
    • Knights cannot move unless escorted by a Squire from their team
      • The escorting Squire must place a hand on the shoulder of their Knight
    • Both Knights and Squires may pickup missiles
      • Squires may bring missiles to their Knight
    • Knights are immune to all opponents except for the opposing team’s Knight
  • Win Condition
    • The first team to escort their Knight and have them use their missile launcher to hit the target wins


  • Setup
    • All players form teams of two
  • Objective
    • Eliminate all other teams
  • Rules (Same as the game Tap)
    • When a player is tagged they must stop moving and raise their hands in the air and is frozen
    • A frozen player may be unfrozen if a teammate tags them with their hands
    • A frozen player may be eliminated from the game if an opponent tags them with their hands
  • Win Condition
    • The last team standing wins